Monday, August 10, 2015

Smart Ways to Protect Yourself Before Starting a Divorce

In most situations, a divorce is a big deal. The effects of the divorce can affect individuals for years to come. In some instances, the effects can last a lifetime. For this reason, if you are considering a divorce, you should always take steps to protect yourself from whatever might come.

Small steps can make a huge difference in a divorce. This may include setting up your own bank account that your spouse does not have access to. However, make sure the account is not funded by community assets or you may be forced to reimburse the community later on.

Additionally, you should take a detailed look at all of your financial statements for each and every account you hold individually and jointly with your spouse. This should include fluid accounts as well as debts. Also, evaluate how your spouse will react to the divorce. If he or she decides to splurge and buy everything in sight, you may be stuck with half the bill. Removing your name from any joint credit card accounts or other lines of credit can eliminate this risk.

Keeping meticulous records is one of the best safety nets during a divorce. Gather all records for all accounts – joint or individual - and make copies. The court will require this information, but it will give you and your attorney an easier way to determine your financial need and what you can reasonable ask for during the divorce.

Another great way to protect yourself is to hire a team of professionals with only your interests in mind. This includes a great divorce attorney and a certified public accountant. These people should be able to advise you of the financial ramifications of divorce and how to minimize your individual losses.  Get support from others in your life as well, as a divorce may be long and drawn out, depending on your individual situation.

Take the time to keep a detailed journal of your entire divorce experience. Log any and all important events that occur, especially instances of physical abuse and interactions with the kids. When writing about how your spouse interacts with the kids, write about how it affects them, because this is all the court will be interested in hearing. Instead of saying your husband is terrible because he was an hour late picking up the kids, include how the kids reacted and how they were affected. It will be much more effective.

Preparing for a divorce can take a long time and more advanced tactics in some situations. Visit this website to learn more about the subject from a divorce lawyer in San Diego.

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